Saturday, May 2, 2020

Expository on Parenting free essay sample

Enjoyment of the parental role is associated with the sense of fulfillment and achievement parents experience as a result of the healthy and thriving development of their children. Information on the range of disciplinary tactics used by parents and parental beliefs and attitudes to control strategies is essential in order to promote and support effective and constructive parental strategy or techniques with children and youth. Effective parenting helps children mature into model citizens; through firm, fair and vigilant methods of and practical instruction children turn into respectable adults. Over the ourse of nearly twenty years or so, thorough research on how the impact of family structure and family status change affects child welfare. For instance, parental disconnection has accounted for a wide range of adverse effects on childrens welfare, both as an immediate effect of development and in the form of more permanent effects that continue into adulthood. Past research suggests that children who experience multiple transitions in family structure may face worse developmental outcomes than children who live in stable two-parent families and perhaps even children raised in stable, single-parent families. However, consistent change and negative child outcomes may be associated because of common causal factors such as parents ancestral behaviors (i. e. , drinking, smoking cigarettes) and characteristics. Using a nationally-representative, two-generation longitudinal survey that includes detailed information on childrens behavioral and cognitive development, family history, and mothers attributes prior to the childs birth, one can an increasingly salient part of childrens lives in the United States over the past half- century. During this period, as is well-known, divorce rates increased (Cherlin 1992). Cherlin was merely suggesting that the instability within a childs upbringing severely affects the parents ability to maintain a stable household. Besides, conclusive variables conducted in the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (Bureau Of Labor Statistics, 2013) contain statistics of childrens cognitive performance, internalizing and externalizing behavior problems, and delinquent behavior in early and middle childhood and early teenage years (ages 9 to 14). According to Kelly (2013), the majority of children whose parents have divorced function within normal or average imits in the years after divorce. As a group, they can not be classified as disturbed. Furthermore, there is a significant variety of implementation within both groups of children from divorced and intact families. Theres little to no question that a child that lives with one biological parent, as opposed to both parents has slight disadvantages in life. For example, fathers play an important role in intact households; consequently, their absence in a household potentially has many negative effects. Their involvement in the family income and economic stability iminishes; their role as guardian and being a good role model to their children also debilitated. A fathers role as mental, physical, and emotional supporter to the mother decreases (usually in divorcing families this part may have diminished long before), their role as parent decreases, and the quality and character of their relationship with the child may be altered. Studies have shown that the number of contact non-residential fathers has with their children diminishes over time (Furstenberg et al, 1983; Furstenberg and Nord, 1985; Seltzer and Bianchi, 1988). 981 data indicated that Just about half of all children with a father living in a different place see that father less than once a month or had not seen him at all in the past year (Seltzer and Bianchi, 1988). There is some evidence, that the measure of contact, though it still is low, may have increased in recent years (Kelly, 1993; Furstenberg and Harris, 1992). Some have also noted that the rate at which contact decreases while it may be smaller, the older the child, the more disruptive and detrimental it can be (Furstenberg and Harris, 1992). Such an outline would make ense that fathers of older children who have had a longer time to develop strong relationships and to have made considerable emotional and financial investment in their childrens wellbeing; as a result, would be more unwilling to sever the relationship. Even so, the number of children with moderate or no contact with their non-residential parent is quite large, and rising at a modest to rapid rate. Remarriage does not usually advance issues for children, despite the potential gains from both improved economic conditions and the company of an extra adult to help with the ast amounts of parenting tasks. However, oversimplified findings lead to embellishment through proponents of marriage proposals and disbelief from critics. If the pessimistic effects of single parenthood on child happiness and success were mainly due to a lack or systematic loss of income, one would anticipate children living with both of their parents to perform as well as other children living with their married, biological parents. Further investigation into the matter reveals that children living with two adults (i. e. , with cohabiting parents or step-family) do not ariables such as comprehension, mechanical procedures, and especially social behavior. Also, if financial stability were the major factor behind the negative connection between single parenthood and a childs life result, one would expect children of single-parent families who are NOT poor to have better outcomes than children of poor single-parent families. The types of people that marry have an effect on the outcome of a childs life. A genuine relationship that developed with non- confrontational and low hostility usually means that this environment would have a ositive effect on the child. These types of relationships ensure that a child has two positive fgures that represent organization, structure, and an overall better atmosphere. Research concerning conflict-based tactics by parents is often contradictory, most significantly in regards to the negative effects of using harsh discipline. One key factor to effective control is to understand whom the child is, especially his or her temperamental style, and uses ones control to help the child achieve potential given those talents and tendencies. The goal should not be to turn he child into someone they are not; for example, to turn a boisterous intense child into a mellow laid-back one. This research indicates the frequent use of harsh or authoritarian type discipline impact a childs development as a whole and directly contributes to the existence of conflict within a family. Any technique will fail if parents do not follow through or enforce consequences consistently. For example, toys will be off limits for a week and then take them away if the offending behavior continues. There has been significant advancement within behavioral research over he past 30 years. Studies with documented effects of physical punishment on children have been plentiful, yet a thorough understanding of its merits and potential effects as a form of punishment has not been reached. After the consequence has subsided one should not ask for apologies or continue to lecture about the incident. It is critical to help the child return to an appropriate activity despite the how long the situation drags out. It is truly difficult to measure the value of being an effective parent and establishing a key mold that defines the youth of the ation. The theoretical and intangible structure outlined at the beginning guides our understanding of key principles and processes underlying effective and constructive discipline procedures with children. Moreover, such theories serve as further insight into the importance of considering the complex interactions that create parental discipline responses, including individual child and parent characteristics and behavior, and more broadly the related influences within which parenting occur.

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